Thursday, September 22, 2011

long overdue update

Well it has been quite awhile since I last updated and wow have things changed! Lets start with the change in the blog title. I am no longer a single mom. I am very much in love with the most amazing man in the world. I always thought that the true love soul-mate stuff was just in the books but now I know that it is really out there. The love I feel for Mike I just cant put into words and everyday I fall more and more in love with him. After a very bad marriage I decided I was never going to do that again but now I can not wait to become Mikes wife and be the old couple sitting on the porch swing holding hands and watching our grand-kids play.
The kids are doing great. Angel is now 18 and finished high school, Tyler will be 16 in Nov and is a freshman in high school, Lucas turns 12 soon and is in the 6th grade, Jonah the big 2nd grader will be 8 this year, and Mikey, one of the new but very much loved additions to the family, is 6 and in the first grade. There is also Kasey who is 13 and I haven't been able to meet yet but look forward to the day i can.
Im still driving my bus and have most of the same kids I have had the last couple years. Some days can be very trying but I still love what I do. I guess that's pretty much all that's happening here. Life is busy but I love every moment of it and wouldn't trade it for anything

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